Our Services
System Design
PLM has specified and designed many substation, transmission line and distribution projects. We have experience in both turnkey EPC projects and traditional Design - Bid - Build projects. We are recognized for providing a well thought out, cost effective design that meets all client requirements. Our detailed design package often results in limited or no contractor change orders during the construction process.
- Substations (Design & Design/Build)
- Institutional & Industrial Power Systems
- Transmission Systems (O/H & U/G)
- Emergency & Standby Power Services
- Distribution Systems (O/H & U/G)
- Mobile Transformers
- Cutover Procedures/ Facility Commissioning
- Power Factor & Voltage Control
- Project Planning, Scheduling and Estimating
- Design Reviews/Owner's Engineer Services
- Spill Containment Facilities
- Shop Drawing Review
- Distribution System Mapping Services
- Distribution & Voltage Conversion
- Subcontractor Evaluations
- As-Built Drawings & Documentation
- Non-Utility Generator Interconnection
- Construction Phase Services
Protection & Control
The PLM staff has evaluated, designed and implemented relay and control protection schemes for generation, substation, distribution and transmission facilities for voltages ranging from 208V to 345,000V. This work has also included development of detailed protective relay settings. PLM also has extensive experience conducting short circuit and coordination studies for utilities, transportation agencies and industrial facilities.
- Protective Relay Settings
- Substation Relay Operating Descriptions
- Control Systems
- PLC Programming
- Short Circuit & Coordination Studies
- HMI Programming
- SCADA Systems
- Relay Coordination Studies
PLM has performed dozens of system planning studies. Each study begins with an agreed upon System Design Criteria, that sets forth the client requirements and expectations. In addition to cost, external factors, such as permitting requirements, interconnection requirements, aesthetic impacts, etc. are always considered when developing alternative plans and making final recommendations.
- Long and Short Range System Planning
- Economic Alternative Evaluations
- Load Flow & Voltage Studies
- Capacitor Placement Studies
- Equipment Thermal Rating Analysis
- Substation Grounding Analysis
- Equipment/ Facilities Evaluations
- Electrogeometric Lightning Shielding Analysis
- Substation Siting Analysis
- Transmission Routing Studies
- Facility Permitting/Regulatory Support
- System Operations & Loss Studies
- On-site Generation Studies
- System Design Criteria
- Reliability Evaluations
Power Supply & Rates
PLM manages more than 900 MW of load for utility clients throughout the northeast (NYISO and ISO NE) energy markets.
We provide both long run power supply planning and daily bid-to-bill services on behalf of a wide array of municipal electric utilities that are market participants of the Independent System Operator of New England (ISO-NE) and direct customers of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO). Bid-to-bill services include hourly load forecasting, resource optimization and scheduling of transactions to clients in the NYISO. PLM also provides invoice verification services to its clients that are ISO-NE participants as well as direct customers of the NYISO.
- Cost of Service, Electric Rate Design/Unbundling
- Power Cost Budgeting & Reconciliation
- Power Contract Negotiation & Administration
- Contract Negotiation Assistance
- Power Pool/ISO Interfacing Evaluations
- Power Pool Compliance Plans
- Load Forecasting
- Delivery Metering
- Load Management Evaluations
- Power Supply Management & Scheduling
- Financial Modeling
Daily Services
- Retrieval of previous days hourly loads for client system’s delivery points
- Hourly load forecasting
- Using actual loads & weather data
- Resource Optimization
- Maximize the efficient use of available resourcs
- Hourly resource Scheduling
- Over-the-counter market pricing matrix & technical analysis
Semi-Annual Services
- Regular client meetings
- Individual bulk power supply budgeting
- Market solicitation for forward energy when technical indicators/time and value triggers present buying opportunities
- Avoids the costly expense of periodic RFP's for supply tied solely to time triggers.
monthly services
- Verification and settlements with suppliers
- Hedge counter parties
- Settlements with ISO
- Weekly and month-end settlements, true-up & closeouts
- Monthly billing data verification for clients
- Tracking of ISO invoice variance
- Tracking of ISO vs metered loads through true-up
- Monthly mark-to-market calculations for financials
- Weather normalization of client loads
Annual Services
Long run energy & peak demand forecasts for each client system
Annual budgets and projected cash flow requirements
Annual operating budget projections 3 years forward are updated frequently throughout the year as market conditions and client systems characteristics change
NERC Compliance
PLM has developed comprehensive NERC compliance plans for utilities in the NPCC footprint from the ground up with the functional registration of Transmission Owner, Distribution Provider and Load Serving Entity. The program was recognized by NPCC in the 2011 Culture of Compliance Survey Initiative as 1 of 10 industry “Best Practices." PLM successfully guided clients through the challenges of the revised functional registration criteria and the revise Bulk Electric system definition. PLM has guided its clients through several off site NERC Audits, self-reports and guided self-certifications.
- Program Development
- Program Management
- Procedure Development
- Audit preparation
- Self-Reporting and mitigation plan development.
- Functional Registration Assistance
Bulk Electric System (BES) Determination
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) analysis / program design
Internal Control Design
Under frequency load shed design.
ISO planning analysis support.
Standards drafting team representation
PLM has also developed the following procedures and plans for existing clients:
Mis-operation analysis procedures
- Complete testing and maintenance plans
- Under frequency load shedding designs
- Low impact Critical Infrastructure Protection plan
We continue to monitor the fluid and ever changing NERC compliance standards in order to insure our clients are in compliance with all applicable standards and requirements. PLM has participated on standard drafting team meetings to ensure that changes to existing clients do not result in unnecessary cost and manpower burden. PLM participates in and represents its clients at all NPCC NERC compliance workshops and webinars.
Additional Services
PLM provides many services outside of the traditional substation, transmission & rates. We have provided detailed training programs for field personnel on the operation of their protection systems. Some of the other various services we provide include: operation/mis-operation investigation, owner's engineer, and regulatory compliance.
- Customized Technical Training
- Power System Disturbance Analysis
- Electrical Accident Investigations
- Regulatory Compliance
- Electrical Environmental Effects
- Utility Restructuring Analysis
- Transformer Failure Analysis
- Drawing Scanning & Conversion